Lancaster Grand Prix

The lads went in fired up for another brutal edition of the Lancaster Grand Prix. After missing the early break, there was no panicking in the bunch initially but as the gap extended over 2 minutes the moves started to go.

All of the team did a great job covering moves until the elastic snapped and George got away with Tom Martin and eventual winner Ben Granger. The trio bridged the gap and soon there were 8 riders at the front of the race.

George rode a good tactical race but didn’t quite have the legs to make a bid for glory on the final climb and ended up sprinting to 3rd place - the best result for team in a national road series event.

After initially being disappointed on missing out on the win, the news came in that George was leading the national road series, which was a good consolation prize. The team will look to defend the jersey at the Ryedale GP.


48th Grand Prix de la ville de Pérenchies