Our 2024 roster

Our squad for 2024 is much smaller than in previous seasons and consists of quality rather than quantity. The emphasis going forward for Spirit is U23 rider development alongside senior rider mentoring form over 23s. We have worked hard on producing and securing rides and invitations to offer a tough UK , Ireland, and European race calendar including a number UCI races. We prepare each season in the usual Spirit way by encouraging a great team bond and team ethic whilst racing aggressively and to a plan in every event. Once the flag drops, we always try to race to win and want to roll the dice if we have a chance.

If successful we will rejoice and if we fail, we dust ourselves down and move onto the next race. For the 2024 season Spirit have a marquee signing in Will Perrett. Will has performed at World level in his specialty track event the grueling points race. He also, competes in the televised Champions Track League and rides for GB in European and World Events. This season he won Gold in Hong Kong at the World Cup event, so don’t be surprised to see Will appearing at the sharp end of each road race when the going gets tough.

We are also delighted with our other resigning, the reliable road captain George Kimber who calls the shots on the road, Sam Kettlewell and Matthew Houlberg U23. New signings for 2024 are the exciting Jamie Whitcher (U23) who was runner up in the 2024 season opener The Portsdown Classic (formerly known as the Perfs) , Alex Bosley U23 and Ethan Rowell U23.


Our first victory of 2024


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